Episode 63

Michael Reynolds of InnovateMap: How Businesses Can Accelerate Their Digital Transformation Due to the Pandemic


December 3rd, 2020

34 mins 47 secs

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

On this episode, we interview Michael Reynolds of InnovateMap. His firm's expertise has been in assisting businesses to develop digital products and experiences. The pandemic has forced a transition of virtually every business to go digital with every aspect of their business. Whether it's their marketing efforts where in-person meetings and conferences have shut down, sales processes and meetings via online video conferencing, or even remote delivery of services... businesses have been forced to adapt and adopt new methods if they hope to survive.

Michael's firm is proficient at researching behaviors and developing products and roadmaps that meet the markets' needs. Now, more than ever, traditional businesses need to be listening to their prospects and customers to better understand how they can respond with changes in their processes and products to not just survive these difficult times... but to transform their business for the future. Michael provides sage advice for business leaders to plan this digital transformation.

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  • Innovatemap — Innovatemap is a team of experts in digital product research, branding, marketing, and design.